Ronikal Energy is a reputable service provider committed to improving the well-being of its customers with its all-inclusive net metering program. We provide financial support for the installation of renewable energy systems in partnership with Tesla, guaranteeing accessibility at a nominal markup of only 6%. Our innovative Net-Metering program, in partnership with Tesla, enables residential, business, and industrial customers to smoothly sell excess electricity back to the nearby utility grid in addition to enabling them to self-generate power.
At Ronikal Energy, we prioritize customer satisfaction, offering complimentary consultancy services tailored to individual electricity consumption patterns. Leveraging insights from energy purchase and export records, our expert advisors provide personalized recommendations to optimize energy usage and maximize savings. With a commitment to sustainability and customer-centric solutions, Ronikal Energy is poised to lead the charge towards a greener and more efficient energy future.
Ronikal Energy in partnership with Tesla offers easy financing to our customers after realizing the issue of higher energy rates and therefore want to make it easy for our customers to enjoy free solar-generated power through our easy financing option. Our financing experts are here to help you understand the various financing options and associated benefits available for you.
Explore our flexible installment plans spanning between 3 to 5 years, with a competitive markup rate of 6% per annum. Secure financing ranging from Rs. 500,000/- to Rs. 2.5 million, tailored to your needs. Experience significant savings over the lifespan of your asset. Benefit from a minimum down payment of 25% of the financing amount. Avail our exclusive offer at preferential rates today.